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an Australian based
equine technology company

your journey with equiprove begins here


you love horses

you are dedicated to your chosen disciplines and training

you compete and keep up with the latest equine advances

you run equine organisations & businesses with a keen eye to the market


our focus is equine provenance

establishing it, maintaining it, relying on it


our technology provides a digital platform that simplifies processes to access, record, and share equine data with whoever you choose


our vision is to create industry certainty, improve participant safety and enable world class biosecurity management


Increased confidence in information will showcase the integrity of the Australasian horse market.


Our ability to curate data, to provide industry insights, will strengthen our visibility, and the world's understanding of the Australasian industry and equine population.


This will align us with other global equine industries already implementing similar practices in breeding and performance.


our story

with over 200 years of equine industry, leadership, business, technology & software development experience; our team includes breeders, horse owners, event organisers, and riders who share a deep passion for all things equine.

our founders, Ali, Karen, and Ulrich, have a longstanding shared passion for horses and have previously collaborated on equine projects.

the idea for equiprove was born during a conversation at the Aquis Champions Tour in 2019 from recognising the challenges in managing equine identification and biosecurity, particularly in event management.

drawing on their collective understanding of the needs of horses and riders, and leveraging Ulrich's industry and technical expertise, they envisioned a digital platform capable of storing a comprehensive record of a horse and equestrian’s life.
recognising the significance of their idea, the team decided to pursue it further and collaboratively established




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Ali Geeves

CEO and Co-founder

Karen Copeland

Governance Expert and Co-founder

Laura Thomas

Chair and Corporate Expert

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Ulrich Klatte

Industry Expert and Co-founder

Harry van der Nol

CTO and Software Developer

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