Good afternoon
We committed to send a summary to all invitees to our requirements workshop held with SAP®. Below are our key takeaways. I have listed the main things rather than all of them: listing everything would make for a long read.
We were thrilled to find that everyone agreed that what we are trying to do is a good idea
Finding a Unique Identifier for a horse is critical. We already have some ideas about this: on the second day we discussed the confidence that we had in some identifiers such as DNA, iris scanning, microchips, UELN's, photographs and diagrams. We recognised the need to balance confidence, ease of use and cost
Ideally, we need to find a way of combining identification with location, preferably in a way that is non-invasive. We discussed some possibilities of technology enabling this
Communicating the idea of equiprove to the wider community will be essential. We need to find a way of testing the outcomes of the Workshop with other States
A Unique Identifier will enable the creation of a reliable record for a horse and will identify duplicates. This reliable record is the basis of the equiprove™ provenance record
Event organisers need to be able to use whatever event management system suits their needs. This means that we need to design application program interfaces (API) to enable any system to draw on the equiprove™ provenance record
The combination of a location-based identifier and the other data in the equiprove™ provenance record will enable track and trace to support biosecurity needs
Improving record-keeping will improve asset values and could re-establish the Equine Export Market that used to exist but has dropped away over the last 30 years or so
The equiprove™ system and access to the equiprove™ provenance record needs to be designed primarily for mobile devices: the interface needs to be easy and intuitive. The desktop version should have the same look and feel as the mobile version. In addition, we need to allow for the easy import of existing databases
At the end of the first day we identified several important priorities. We voted on these. We pulled these results together and the list above reflects the resulting assessment. Attached is a picture that shows the scores we derived. we had to do some massaging of the priorities but there was a large degree of consistency.
Finally, we want to create an equiprove design forum (EDF).
The EDF would be a mechanism by which we could test what we’re creating as we create it. We will approach the equestrian community for participants who can commit to this important activity.
As you can imagine, with the current media attention on the industry, we’re excited with what we are doing. I welcome any questions or feedback, and hope you will continue to be part of equiprove as it grows.
Kind regards,
Ali Geeves CEO & Co-Founder equiprove [email protected]